A friend of mine shared a story with me this week of how she received encouragement some time ago from a blog she frequents, so much so that she printed it and kept it close... a recent circumstance caused her to email this blogger to get more information on replacing a lost article she had purchased from the site sometime ago... a long story short, my friend sensed in the writings that she needed some encouragement so she returned the words - this woman's words - back to her... and in a note this blogger emotionally thanked my friend... for the words she wrote some time ago came back to her as BREAD and LIFE - encouragement. God knew this day would come, that my friend would need to replace her item, and that this woman would need to be encouraged... he planned for this ministry long before it was needed... I AM AMAZED THAT HE CARES THAT MUCH FOR US! I woke up needing encouragement today... a touch in my body... and as I was cleaning my emails, a friend had taped this dance I did in February 2013... In March 2013 I fell ill... 9 mos of excruciating pain with no diagnosis or relief... 13 ER visits 3 hospital stays... and no answers. In January 2014 God healed my body - in a moment of abandoned worship, when I was not even asking he TOUCHED ME. He prepared me for this trial with a promise before it even began... and only today was it revealed to me! Today I woke up with that same pain... and then I opened this link... and was reminded that I HAD BEEN HEALED! May this bless you today... if you need a touch in your body, in you mind or your spirit... stretch forth your hand and touch the hem of HIS garment.
http://www.youcaring.com/spirit-of-truth-ministries-haiti-371661 I arrived in Port Au Prince, Haiti on July 2nd - it was a sight to behold... the city is large and hot and bustling with street vendors and automobiles! I made my way up the mountain to Guibert, Haiti and spent the weekend preparing to teach 15 young ladies (and many peeping children) dance in worship. Monday was our first session together... 15 shy young ladies joined the team and we began our morning with Artistic Ministry -- worshipping the Father together - it was beautiful. We learned some expressive worship movement and then began studying our dance... each day through Saturday we spent several hours practicing, praying and playing :-) together. The Pastor's Conference was held Thursday through Saturday - several churches come together at this annual event to study, to pray, to worship together... and we had the privilege of dancing in worship for them. It was a beautiful moment for me, for the team and for the churches as they experienced the pleasure of the Father in our worship dance! This week I am working with a city church in Petionville, Haiti... we had 70 students yesterday! It will be a tremendous worship experience on Sunday!!! Thank you all for your prayers of protection and provision! I have been well in body and lifted in Spirit as your prayers have covered and strengthened me! Please continue to pray.... I head home next Wednesday -- so this last week will fly by! Tomorrow morning I will board a Delta flight - destination Port Au Prince, Haiti. This is a THRILL for me because I will be working with loads of young people in several churches there to add to their worship in the dance. Daily workshops in technique, composition, ministry training, garments/colors... and the list goes on! The thing is -- I know the folks in Haiti are just as excited as I am! We've been planning for months and the day is here... PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. Pray for safety and protection while I am there; for strength of body and mind - and SPIRIT; pray for those that will be interpreting for me -- that's a hefty job and they will need GRACE. Pray for the ones that will be participating in this mentoring... we will be working very hard each day... and they will receive so much information - may the Holy Spirit open up their capacities to receive a double portion! My heart cry is that Haiti would be saturated in worship - that dance would be added in it's appropriateness so that GOD MAY BE GLORIFIED ALL THE MORE! I can't wait to share this experience with you all!
I don't know about you, but lately I've been asking... "Am I headed in the right direction?", "Am I making the right decisions?". I'm in a phase of life that brings with it MORE... *more financial responsibility *more freedom to choose what I will do with my time *more thoughts about what the 'second half' of life will bring I need WISDOM. Solomon asked God for it. He could have asked for ANYTHING. He asked for WISDOM. And God gave it to him... and MUCH MORE! A friend recommended a book, THE BEST YES by Lysa Terkeurst... She also invited me to the online 6 week bible study hosted by Proverbs 31. I immediately said yes - it was something we could 'do together' even though we live too far apart :-)! It was on Monday nights... hmmm. I already have regular scheduled meetings on Monday nights... already OVERWHELMED by my hasty yes! No problem... I'll just catch up with the archives... on another night of the week... problem solved! Except that my only free night was taken with working late at the office... for the next six weeks! Does this sound like you... You know you NEED this time in His Word... on a particular need in your life... and there is just NO TIME to make it happen... that isn't at 5a or after midnight! If so, then I invite you, like me, to walk through the archives on this study of THE BEST YES... I know... I'm already fighting back the thought... "If there is a BEST YES, then there must also be a BEST NO!"... I don't do NO very well... but I must... for this one thought has captured my heart... A woman who lives with the stress of an OVERWHELMED SCHEDULE will often ACHE WITH THE SADNESS OF AN UNDERWHELMED SOUL.. Jesus said, "Let your Yes be Yes, and Your No be No, anything else is from the evil one." Matthew 5:17
August 2015
AuthorHi! These are just some of my thoughts... and a place to put them down. May they stir your hearts... Categories |