A friend of mine shared a story with me this week of how she received encouragement some time ago from a blog she frequents, so much so that she printed it and kept it close... a recent circumstance caused her to email this blogger to get more information on replacing a lost article she had purchased from the site sometime ago... a long story short, my friend sensed in the writings that she needed some encouragement so she returned the words - this woman's words - back to her... and in a note this blogger emotionally thanked my friend... for the words she wrote some time ago came back to her as BREAD and LIFE - encouragement. God knew this day would come, that my friend would need to replace her item, and that this woman would need to be encouraged... he planned for this ministry long before it was needed... I AM AMAZED THAT HE CARES THAT MUCH FOR US! I woke up needing encouragement today... a touch in my body... and as I was cleaning my emails, a friend had taped this dance I did in February 2013... In March 2013 I fell ill... 9 mos of excruciating pain with no diagnosis or relief... 13 ER visits 3 hospital stays... and no answers. In January 2014 God healed my body - in a moment of abandoned worship, when I was not even asking he TOUCHED ME. He prepared me for this trial with a promise before it even began... and only today was it revealed to me! Today I woke up with that same pain... and then I opened this link... and was reminded that I HAD BEEN HEALED! May this bless you today... if you need a touch in your body, in you mind or your spirit... stretch forth your hand and touch the hem of HIS garment.
August 2015
AuthorHi! These are just some of my thoughts... and a place to put them down. May they stir your hearts... Categories |